
10 Anti-Bullying Books for Kids

10 Anti-Bullying Books for Kids

Bullying is a social ill that has been eating up kids at, but not limited to school and many of them do not speak of this to their guardian/teacher for the fear of being an outcast or to conform with peer pressure. This evil can scar one for life! If you tend to notice a sense of isolation, a dim in spark or inability to face people in your child, it might be that he/she has been a subject of some form of bullying at school and/or at home. A kid may be bullied for a number of reasons; a disability, for being different or those with special needs. Mostly, bullies are plain mean as they derive a sense of pleasure out of this practice.

Although a quick remedy is to take action against the culprits but the damage might already have been done to your child. It’s like fire-fighting when a more befitting resolution would be to equip your child beforehand for the evil called bullying lurking around the corner. For this purpose, we have compiled a list of anti-bullying books that can help your kid combat it if he/she ever gets into one such situation.


(By: Kevin Henkes )

Chrysanthemum is a clever and legit school anecdote about prodding, self-regard, and acknowledgment by Kevin Henkes and is named as one of the notable books for children by American Library Association.

The Recess Queen

The Recess Queen
(By: Alexis O'neill )

The Recess Queen - a picture book by Laura Huliska-Beith where a bully named Mean Jean is befriended by a new girl. The events then begin to change for the positive in a tale that addresses the bullying concept without the need for adult supervision.

The Juice Box Bully

The Juice Box Bully
(By: Bob Sornson )

This promises to be an eye-opener. When we see someone getting bullied, by nature we choose to be bystanders whereas this book teaches how to go against one’s nature and stand up for what’s right. In The Juice Box Bully, the kids at Pete’s new school intervene and take a stance against his bullying tactics in this empowering book by the duo Bob Sornson and Maria Dismondy.

Enemy Pie

Enemy Pie
(By: Derek Munson )

We’ve all read about how to make friends but have you ever read about frenemies? Can you be best buddies with your worst enemy? Enemy Pie’s story takes us on one such journey; when Jeremy Ross is bullied, his father comes to his rescue. You must wonder how was he rescued, right? Well, he was supposed to spend an entire day with his enemy. It’s penned down by Derek Munson.

Each Kindness

Each Kindness
(By: Jacqueline Woodson )

Each Kindness is a gripping tale which tells us the story of Chloe, who wouldn’t allow Maya to be friends with her or play with her which eventually leads to Maya being absent from school. Chloe realizes her mistake and sets out to make amends. The author of the book is Jacqueline Woodson.

The Hundred Dresses

The Hundred Dresses
(By: Eleanor Estes )

Winner of the Newbery Honor – 1945 and from the author Eleanor Estes, The Hundred Dresses continues to capture people’s imagination to this day, where a classmate is picked on by fellow students for wearing the same dress to school. Haunting as it may, nobody tries to help.

The Invisible Boy

The Invisible Boy
(By: Trudy Ludwig )

The Invisible Boy is a book about quieter children and on how their needs are to be catered for. It details how small acts of kindness can go a long way and we can shun insensitivity by including those children in the pack. The author of the book is Trudy Ludwig.


(By: Patricia Polacco )

Here's a book that goes up against cyber bullying. When students start prodding classmates on Facebook, Lyla decides that something’s got to give. Bully is an impeccable read for this inexorably computerized crowd.

The Bully Book

The Bully Book
(By: Eric Kahn Gale )

Based loosely on the accounts of the author Eric Kahn Gale wherein he recollects what it was like when he was bullied in sixth grade. A beauty of The Bully Book is that it incorporates the perspective of both sides; bullied and the bully.


(By: R. J. Palacio )

This inspiring novel takes after August Pullman to fifth grade, which is his first time entering a standard school. Wonder tells us of August who was conceived with a facial distortion so he'll need to persuade his schoolmates that he is ordinary, much the same as them, notwithstanding his appearances.


Although there are many aspects of bullying and the list above is not exhaustive but you can read further on cyber form of bullying and how children can stay safe while surfing the internet here:

Kids happen to be at an age where good things if inculcated seeps in and permanently reside within, which in turn makes them confident, adventurous and creative types when they grow up to be adults. For that to happen, the evil of bullying needs to be curtailed from their lives and this can be achieved by being responsible for your children. Having sent them into schools/daycares, don’t fool yourself into thinking that everything is taken care of since, usually, when probed about their unusual and anti-social behavior they open up. So, the need is for such environment where children are comfortable in opening up to their parents/guardian/teachers.

What is also important is that, while we talk about children and how their lives are impacted as a result of bullying, there are many adults suffering from or experiencing the same. The books referred to above may very well assist adults as well in coping with this social ill.

Rayanne Dany has been in the field of content writing for over 6 years now and specializes in ecommerce/SEO environment. Her major contribution towards students is his help with assignment and on the topic has written several blog posts for undergrad and post-grad lot. Assignments could range from writing research papers to simple memoing tasks.
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