
10 Best Writing Strategy Books

Learn Writing Strategy Books for Beginner

So you decided to write. It’s such a fantastical journey ahead, waiting for you. Congratulations, this is the first step. But what’s next? We can tell you for sure that talent and inspiration are not enough. Hard work always pays, and writing makes no exception.

Fortunately for you, there are some very useful guidelines which you can use, all gathered together between the pages of several books we’d like to share with you. Whether you aim to be a fantastical content writer or a brilliant novelist, here are the 10 best writing strategy books for you to browse thoroughly.

The Mother Tongue

The Mother Tongue
(By: Bill Bryson )

Guess we can agree on one thing: you can’t write if you don’t master your language. “The Mother Tongue” is exactly the book you need if you write in English.

Its pages are full of smart explanations on Shakespeare’s language, different grammar rules and original phrasings that you’ll find very useful. You could also take a look at this list of best English grammar books for a deeper understanding.

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
(By: Anne Lamott )

The idea of putting together a step-by-step manual on how to write came to Anne after recalling a family scene from thirty years ago. Her brother was ten, and he was trying to write a report on birds.

With the deadline only one day ahead (sounds familiar?), he was stuck. “Then my father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother’s shoulder, and said: ‘Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird’,” recalls Anne.

Always driven by this rudimentary advice, the novelist came up with a handy set of indications designed so to improve one’s writing. Here you have it, from sketching the plot and creating the characters, to putting your pen down, all covered in a well-thought, humorous guide.

On Writing Well

On Writing Well
(By: William Zinsser )

"The secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components," says Zinsser in his book. No wonder that this guide is on our list.

A brilliant compilation of advice to improving one’s writing, frequent mistakes and easy to apply solutions. Your inner future-successful-writer will thank you. Sure, these would be mere words if you haven’t read by now an impressive stockpile of books. You can become a better writer just by reading it.

The Artist’s Way

The Artist’s Way
(By: Julia Cameron )

Two words best describe the work of a successful writer: commitment and self-discipline. Now, these are probably the most difficult skills to master, considering the passionate and restless nature of writer; at least that’s what they say.

However, “The Artist’s Way” underlines the importance of hard work and discipline when it comes to the process of creating. It’s not all about drinking coffee and waiting for the inspiration to knock you over.

You should definitely put this book on your “to read” list because it gives you a boost, it opens your appetite for exercising your mind.

Everybody writes

Everybody writes
(By: Ann Handley )

If flawless online communication is what you’re dreaming of doing, this handy book by top marketing specialist Ann Handley will fit perfectly on your nightstand. It’s a step-by-step practical guide on writing engaging content on virtual assets.

You’ll have a better understanding on choosing the right words, writing short sentences and telling stories online. In a nutshell, you’ll get the skills to create good content marketing and mingle with blogs, social media, and emails with an almost innate lightness.

It’s Not How Good you Are, It's How Good you Want To Be

It’s Not How Good you Are, It's How Good you Want To Be
(By: Paul Arden )

Paul Arden’s handbook is not necessarily a guide on how to become an incredible writer, but rather on how to educate your inner writer. The advertising veteran offers incredible insights into the world of successful marketing.

Arden guides you through the essential aspects of problem-solving, communicating efficiently and being creative. It’s the book we’d choose to hide in our pockets and always take a peek whenever in doubt.

On Writing

On Writing
(By: Stephen King )

Stephen King’s impressive written book collection is his best business card. Regardless of your literary tastes, there is no way you can overlook this aspect. This is why we can’t but encourage you to browse the pages of his work on how to draft qualitative writing.

Apart from his tasty short stories on how he conquered the wild pen, he shares so many technical aspects of word-processing that can inspire you. King wisely states that he couldn’t have done it without support, because “writing is a lonely job.

Having someone who believes in you makes a lot of difference.” So raise your hands all in favor!

Every Page is Page One

Every Page is Page One
(By: Mark Baker )

When it comes to writing efficiently on the Web, there is no advice good enough to cover the vastness of this environment. We’d rather say that a compilation of useful directions would be more appropriate, but with the online constantly changing, how could you keep up?

A good first step would be reading Mark Baker’s approach on how to create effective web content. Beyond the basic pieces of advice, Baker offers precious information about how to approach virtual readers, how to build a good communication strategy and foresee what the audience is expecting from you, as a writer.

How to Write Seductive Web Copy

How to Write Seductive Web Copy
(By: Henneke Duistermaat )

Before finding the inspiration to write something so good, it sweeps your readers off their chairs, ask yourself: “who am I talking to? Who is going to read what I have to say?” Duistermaat herself states at the beginning of her book: “The secret to great copywriting is to know WHO you want to entice with your copy and to understand what it is they’re looking for.”

So you see how important is to build this “persona,” to know exactly who you are addressing to. “How to Write Seductive Web Copy” is an ideal reading on how to personalize the content to get the exact results you’re expecting.

Zen in The Art of Writing

Zen in The Art of Writing
(By: Ray Bradbury )

Bradbury dresses some useful advice in a beautiful, refreshing writing that you’ll love. This book is an enjoyable ride in the world of creating and playing with words which the author shows from a different point of view.

He strongly believes that there’s more to writing than talent, inspiration, and work: it’s about enjoying every word you write down. “Zen in The Art of Writing” will delight you and encourage you to become an enthusiastic, passionate writer.

No doubt, there’s no such thing as “a perfect recipe on writing,” by putting together all that these brilliant minds have to offer, you’ll soon see the light at the peak of your pen. Of course, not all of them will work for you. Have you already found that perfect piece of advice? Did it work miracles for you? Share with us, we’re more than excited to find out!

Kevin Nelson started his career as a research analyst and has changed his sphere of activity to writing services and content marketing. Currently, Kevin works as a part-time writer at the BreezeWriting. Apart from writing, he spends a lot of time reading psychology and management literature searching for the keystones of motivation ideas. Feel free to connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin.
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  1. It is good list to follow. It is true that regular practice can make you good writer. You can try writing a book which will give you more confidence on yourself. You can try the publishing the manuscript of yours by self-publishing.



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