
10 Tips To Stay Safe From Virus Online

Tips To Stay Safe From Virus Online

As internet being an amazing source to surf the websites, it’s quite apparent that some harmful webpage is accessed by user unknowingly through other sources and let virus files intrude in the PC/Smartphone device. People gather so much information on the required topic from the internet as per their requirement. But they aren’t aware regarding the possibility of online virus in the same which scammers develop to make their device infected. There are various sources through which users let users let online virus files to intrude in the device such as emails, websites with video and music files, newsletters, third party software websites, etc.

The notorious people in the form of scammers, cybercriminals and identity thieves are found on the web and they develop virus files in the form of adware, spyware, ransomware, trojanhorse and root kit files that find their way to infect the devices and steal important documents. These files are not only restricted to damaging the data but also gain access to email accounts as well as bank details.

The sudden compromise or hacking activities take place due to tarnished mindset of people undertaking malicious activities that can happen anytime anywhere without letting PC or smartphone device users knowing about it. Other than this, online virus files once entered in the desktop, laptop or smartphone device (irrespective of OS) can make the device performance worst as it disrupts the performance of supportive files with the help of which Operating system perform activities in the backend.

The Essential Tips To Stay Safe Online

There are 10 essential tips to stay safe from online virus files as well as protect your device from getting vulnerable.
  • Get reliable antivirus product get installed on your PC, smartphone device or any gadget as per the compatibility with OS.
  • Update your webmail account settings in such a way that attachments once received along with inbox messages need to be scanned automatically before downloading the file in the device.
  • Upgrade or install latest versions of antivirus product installed on your device to enhance the level of security with amazing functionalities.
  • Generate strong password for your email and bank accounts. Do make note that the webmail account passwords should be unique and should not match with what you have used to secure online banking.
  • Configure advanced version of antivirus in the device with authentic product key so that instant alerts can be displayed on the screen incase virus file try to intrude in the device.
  • Prefer not to download and install third-party software applications on your device as these applications are actually spywares that are (resembling like a software) generally developed by scammers to check the type of files and store email account to gain control over the same.
  • Don’t send essential documents to your friend's email id or not even think about making financial transactions to the bank account of known ones without having a word with them over the phone and taking their consent. Cybercriminals perform such kind of activities by hacking the email account or phone devices and then send a message to all the contacts including to levy money. 
  • Do not think about booting your desktop or laptop desktop device using floppy disk or CD.
  • Do not click on the links sent through junk or spam emails as there is a huge probability of infected files that are encrypted within it to enter into the device once the webpage is accessed.
  • Never think of accessing online banking websites on public PCs as key logger application is installed on the device to record your user and id and password to perform malicious activities and make you financially ruin. Other than this avoid accessing the internet through insecure Wi-fi connection available in the library, train station, restaurants or in the executive lounge of Hotel or Airport.

We hope that these tips will influence you a lot to reconsider the online security offered by branded antivirus software that scan device on real time basis and keep securing the same from online virus files that have the capability to really mess up the things which remain irreparable through the life.

Melissa is an technology subject writer for Online Antivirus Technical Support. She loves to research and is an avid reader of technology, psychology and fiction. She is also a gadget freak, a traveller, loves chocolates & music and has an immense passion for writing.
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