
Physical and Mental Self-Care Tips for Students Before and During Examination


If you want to take care of your friends and family, you will have to take care of yourself in the first place. If you never think about yourself, it is time for you to sit back and think about your physical and mental health. In the case of a student, the responsibility becomes even double because you get a lot of stress from your studies as well.

Life is full of stress in its every phase especially when you are going through career development process i.e. education. Therefore, we have compiled some excellent tips from the assignment experts to help you improve your physical and mental health.

Tips to Keep Yourself Physically Fit

The simple secret of wellbeing lies in maintaining physical health, but when you are under stress, you neglect your physical fitness. Though it is a natural phenomenon, it simply increases your problems and therefore, one must try to control it. What you can do to keep yourself physically fit? Here are a few important tips:
  • Always have a balanced diet throughout the day
  • Drink as much water as you can or at least 8-12 glasses of water every single day.
  • Make yourself habitual of talking exercises on a regular basis.
  • Excessive Study would encourage you to eat more than your body required and you must stop this practice.
  • If you are taking caffeinated drinks to recharge your body’s energy level artificially, don’t do it. 
  • Take at least 8 hours of peaceful and perfect sleep.
  • If you are on medication, don’t hide your physical issues from your Physician.

Tips to Keep Yourself Mentally Fit

Most people don’t even think about their mental health and this perception must be changed now because mental health is as important as physical health. In fact, if you are mentally fit, you will try to best to keep yourself physically fit as well. There are various ways to ensure an active mind and some of them are as follow:

  • First, of everything, you should adopt an ideal routine i.e. sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning.
  • When you wake up early in the morning with a fresh mind and body, you will have enough stamina to deal with the rest of the day.
  • Always try to finish your everyday tasks on time and don’t let them for tomorrow. This practice will keep you mentally relaxed.
  • Spare 1-2 hours for a walk in the evening and don’t forget to accompany someone with you even if it is your dog.
  • It is good to stay connected with social media but it is even better to away from it as much as you can.
  • If you need someone’s help with your assignments, don’t feel reluctant.

10 Easy Exam Self-Care Tips

Examination season is the most stressful period in student life and this is the time when he needs self-care tips more than ever before. Here are some exclusive tips for students to help them stay fit, healthy and stress-free during their examination:

Do Pre Examination Preparation: First and most important tip for students is that they must never overburden themselves before exams. It simply means they should start examination preparation long before exams actually begins.

Understand Instead of Cramming: Don’t just scam your learning material because cramming will be quite harmful while you are actually in the field. Instead, try to understand everything you read, so you don’t have to cram each and every sentence for writing in your paper.

Do Something Other Than Study: Before you go to bed, you better do something other than studying. This will flush out your mind from unnecessary knowledge and you will feel relaxed the next morning.

Set Smaller Goals and Achieve
: Everyday you should set a few goals and try to achieve them on an everyday basis. This is eventually broken large goals into small ones and will be much easier to achieve.

Take Slow But Steady Steps: When you prepare yourself for examination, there is no need to make panic but move slowly into your syllabus.

Make Daily and Weekly Plans: Daily plan will keep you on the right track to achieve all your smaller goals in time while the weekly plan will help you review your targets.

Make Adjustment in Weekly Plan: If your specific goals to achieve throughout the week and if you fail to achieve some of them, adjust them in the weekly plan.

Ensure Fortnightly Revision: If you have enough time before the final examination begins, you should revise all the stuff weekly or at least fortnightly.

Don’t Isolate You from Social Life: If everything is going as per your plan, you don’t have to isolate yourself from other activities like going to movies or meeting friends.

Be Ready to Embrace Challenges: The combination of physical and mental fitness would get you enough courage to face every challenge before, during and after the examination.

Ellen Charle is a British descent writer and healthcare expert. She has also been providing essay writing service UK and assignment assistance to the students in the UK. She started writing when she was in high school and later it became its passion for life.
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  1. Thanks for sharing! This tips are really usefull espeially duering this pandemic! A lot of students are learning remotly and it is very stresefull! I was so stressed after 1 month of studying "online"! I wanted to visit my psyhologist but he stopped working due covid. So, I found online therapy https://trustsession.com/
    And it really helped me!
    It’s completely normal to feel anxiety when spending more time away from others than you’re used to, especially with everything that's going on right now.

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