
7 Ways to Educate Children in the Millennial Era

7 Ways to Educate Children in the Millennial Era

The term millennial generation is familiar to our ears. The term comes from millennials, coined by two American historians and writers, William Strauss and Neil Howe in several of his books.

The millennial era is known as the age of freedom without knowing national boundaries and is known as the instant era. Associated with the negative impact of the development of the times requires a variety of ways so that children do not fall into and misuse in using the age, related to that certainly as we all know that educating children today is not as easy as educating children in ancient times.

Because children today are more concerned with the phone than socializing with the people around him. There is a term that reads "Technology can make the far feels close, the near feels far". And the term is indeed reflected in today's era. Most parents now feel that the culture of child courtesy to parents is starting to fade. For this millennial child what is more important is his cell phone call to those around him.

Children today when told by their parents there must be many reasons for not wanting to do the work told by their mothers, this incident is very different from the previous children when they were told they did not have many reasons but they immediately did what was told.

In addition, in this millennial age, there have been many children, imitating the adults around them, such as playing tik tok, opening youtube, playing online games like free fire and mobile legend which are very legendary today and many others. So how do parents educate millennial children? Timmy the best researcher in Nursing Dissertation Help UK concluded from his research the following some ways that parents can educate children in the millennial era.

7 Ways to Educate Children in the Millennial Era

1. Parents Must Instill Openness in Children

Parents are always busy with their work. But Try to paste your free time to ask what things the child is doing, what is needed by the child and what is done by the child with friends outside.

So that way the child will be open to you, with the openness of the child you can know what is best for the child and what is not good for him. Therefore, you can find solutions to overcome the shortcomings of the child, in order to improve the quality of education for children or find a method that suits the character and needs of the child.

2. Instill the Value of Religion in Children

In the millennial era, the problem of educating children is not only about their skills, intelligence, and abilities in a worldly subject. The development of the age of technological sophistication has now given rise to phenomena that pay attention and become a major challenge in the world of children's education, namely with the birth of millennial generation.

In the end - this kid's dependence on gadgets and the internet is no longer a taboo subject. As an example in the world of education where all the actions and results of children's natural thinking from the power of thinkers, but they have taken the instant that is only taken on the internet.

Therefore this is where the main war of parents that must appear at the forefront in handling the morality of children is getting worse, as well as supervision in order to realize the realization of bad student attitudes in curbing the moral actions of the millennial generation.

3. Teaching Children to Respect Their Older People. 

Teaching about the meaning of respect, manners, and manners in children is very important in the development of a child's basic character. The parents must first teach the child about an attitude that is full of understanding, polite, and kind so that the child can understand that other people have feelings or attitudes like him.

Teaching respect to children at home is a basic beginning, before expecting it to show respect in the outside world. In addition, parents need to practice what has been taught to children, and this means that parents are a reflection of the child, to remind manners.

Parents must show children how to be kind and friendly to others, and teach children to be grateful in every situation. Then you can save children in the millennial era.

4. Teach Discipline Attitudes To Children Since Childhood

What is also important is that parents teach their children about discipline. Because this can benefit the child. Discipline does not have to be taught when the child is already large enough, but can also be done since the child is still small.

For example disciplining children about the hours, bathing, and hours of sleep. When parents get used to discipline, then when the child is big it will stay embedded like that.

5. Limiting Children To Touch With Gadgets 

We know that gadgets are very influential in the millennial era today, where the use of gadgets can no longer be controlled and does not look at the age limit, this is certainly very influential on the mindset of children, and if the child is addicted to gadgets, it will be very difficult to release, and the child will feel dependent on the gadget.

The negative impact of using other gadgets is that the child will be free to access the site - the site that is not appropriate yet. This certainly will adversely affect the child's mind. This is where the need for restrictions on the use of gadgets in children.

6. Creating Activities That Can Create Children's Harmony With Parents.

Relationships of children and parents that are not good will make the child feel a lack of affection. Because the feelings of children who feel deficient will make the child look for other alternatives to eliminate these feelings of emptiness.

The relationship between children and parents is certainly very important to create, this relationship will certainly make the child feel loved and protected by his parents, and the child will not feel lacking affection.

One of the things that parents can do is to create activities such as, providing a routine schedule for holidays with children, giving a little gift to children when he gets the best value in school as a form of appreciation to the child.

7. Limiting the child's Association 

Limiting is not forbidding the child to associate with his friends, but parents must know who the child is hanging out with and where the child is going, this is so that the child can still be supervised and the control of the plague is intended to limit here, but parents certainly must limit themselves as well as know to position themselves against the child so that the child does not feel in the bridle which makes the child like to lie to his parents.

Parents must be smarter in limiting children because this is very sensitive to the child itself. So parents should do it slowly. So that can be done to educate children in this millennial era.

The great researcher with the outstanding outcomes- things he discussed can add to our insights in educating our children because in the millennial era like today is the very big negative impact on children if children are freed and children become wrong in getting along.

Timmy, a great researcher at Nursing Dissertation Help UK aim to write for motivation. He is an enthusiastic writer and educator offer complete academic solutions to the students and helps them improve their research and writing skills.
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