
Best Books to Learn Flutter App Development

Best Books to Learn Flutter App Development

Flutter is a popular Software Development Kit (SDK) used by coders all around the world to create cross-platform mobile apps. You can use it to create feature-rich and robust applications in a very short time. Thanks to the advantages it offers, businesses around the world rely on Flutter app development to create highly scalable applications with a big user base.

If you are a coder and want to learn this powerful SDK, then many Flutter books are available in the market to help you in this task. Here we have listed five Flutter books through which you can gain expertise in how to use this SDK to create mobile apps with amazing performance.

Five Best Books to Learn Flutter

Here is a list of five books that are available in the market to learn Flutter. The difficulty level of these books ranges from those that are useful for someone with very little knowledge about this SDK to others that are for the experts in this field.

Beginning App Development with Flutter written by Rap Payne

If you are looking for a starter book to learn Flutter, which is easy to understand, then this book, which is available on Amazon is your best bet. The popularity of this book is due to the simple way it is written to explain how to use one code base of Flutter to create apps for Android and iOS platforms.

This book explains in great detail the core concept and tasks of this SDK with examples and pictures so that you can understand them fully. It also contains several hands-on labs with starters and solutions to help you understand this SDK better.

Reading this book will give you a greater idea about the Dart programming language, the complete Flutter development toolchain, an understanding of the architecture of apps, and the distinction between stateful and stateless widgets.

This book covers all the important topics related to app development with the help of Flutter. Reading this book, you will understand how to work with styles and themes, create custom widgets, and ensure that your app responds to swipes, taps, and pinches.

Flutter in Action by Eric Windmill

This book was written by a professional Dart developer who is also a contributor to open-source Flutter projects. It is written for those who have some basic knowledge regarding mobile or web development. The start of the book gives you some information about the Flutter.

It is well written with a well-laid out simple step-by-step approach to learning this very powerful SDK. The first chapter gives you a detailed review using user interaction, State Management, styles and animations, and asynchronous programming in Dart including an overview of Flutter foundation.

In the concluding part, you will find chapters related to Firebase storage, testing, JSON, and HTTP.

This book is for those who have some working knowledge about this language and want to improve it further. The topics are organized well and if you are a beginner with limited experience in coding, then this book is not for you.

Beginning Flutter: A Hands-on Guide to App Development by Marco L. Napoli

One of the great things about this book is that you don’t need prior experience in Flutter to understand it fully. As the name suggests it is a hands-on guide for both the beginner as well as an experienced programmer to make a mobile app from scratch.

It comes with all the important resources that would help you get started with this robust Software Development Kit. This book gives you a step-by-step guideline of how you can use a single code base to make an amazing mobile app for both iOS and Android platforms.

It will allow you to gain experience in using Dart, which is a highly sophisticated programming language that is used by app developers all around the globe. To make your journey on learning Dart easier, this book approaches the subject with the teaching by example method.

It will inform you about the latest mobile app development technology used by developers to create highly responsive apps using Flutter, which will give your career a big boost.

Flutter for Beginners: An introductory Guide to Building cross-SDK Mobile Applications with Flutter and Dart 2 by Alessandro Biessek

This is a great book for those who are interested in learning more about Flutter app development. It contains all the information, and resources you will need to build a beautifully designed and feature-rich Flutter app.

If you are a mobile app developer who is interested in learning more about Flutter and have very little knowledge about this SDK or Dart, then this book is your best companion. It provides you with a step-by-step approach to how to learn Dart 2 and Flutter so that you can create amazing iOS and Android mobile apps.

This book covers a lot of topics relating to Flutter and Dart 2, some of which include the following.

  • The basics of Flutter development and Dart programming.
  • All about the native SDK and third-party libraries needed to build iOS and Android mobile applications using Flutter.
  • A detailed explanation of the core concepts of Flutter UI and how you can compile it for different platforms.
  • How to create Flutter widgets and plug-ins.
  • The needs to be differences between stateless and stateful widgets.
  • How you can add animation to the mobile app UI using the AnimatedBuilder component of the Flutter and many more.

Practical Flutter by Frank Zammetti

This book allows you to explore the features of Flutter SDK and tell you how to use it to create cross-platform mobile apps. Here you will learn about all the concepts of Flutter and understand what more it can do.

Furthermore, in this book, you will find several tips and tricks which show how to deal with some of the real-life problems that you may face when you are trying to build a mobile app with this SDK. When you have completed this book, you will have a good grasp of this SDK so that you can solve any challenging project using Flutter.

The book is well researched and is organized in a beautiful way which gives you a chance to understand how to start a Flutter project from ground zero and then logically structure it. You also learn how to create user interface elements with controls, widgets, and extensions provided by Flutter.

It gives you knowledge about how to create layouts by using interface elements and using various tools available like Android Studio. Furthermore, in this book, you will also learn how you can use server-side development and connect it to the Flutter app with a server back-end.


These are the top five books about Flutter SDK for mobile app developers. Some of the books are perfect for someone who is starting to code for the first time and needs a step-by-step guide to master Flutter SDK.

And then there are books for the experts who are either wanting to brush up their knowledge or want to know more about Flutter app development. These books will certainly make you an expert in using Flutter SDK to build cross-platform mobile apps.

An entrepreneur, an IT professional. Tech geek. Founder & CEO at Guru Technolabs - Globally Trusted Web & Mobile App Development Company. Loves writing about new technologies and the latest trends in the IT field. You can connect with me on LinkedIn to know more.
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